Nigeria Reviews National Action Plan to Strengthen Counter Extremism Efforts

Sonic Media

By Harriet Tornguvan -Abuja 

The Nigeria Government is set to review the Policy Framework and National Action Plan (PF-NAP) on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) in the country.

Violent extremism has been identified as  one of the most complex security challenges that threatens Nigeria’s national security, by weakening the very fabric of the country's communities, institutions, and social cohesion.

The National Coordinator of NCTC, Gen. Adamu Garba Laka today at critical stakeholder-consulted meeting today in Abuja at the office of the National security adviser stated that the review of the Policy Framework and National Action Plans for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Nigeria is important that Nigeria is open to new ideas to curb in insecurity bedeviling the country.

He said since the adoption of the policy framework and National Action Plan in 2017, Nigeria has made critical strides in preventing aerial PPP programs and initiatives.

He stated that, the multi sectoral, full on government and full-on society approach has enabled collaboration between government, civil society, and international partners.

He added that progress has been made but  challenges still persist, which has led to a more inclusive and adaptable strategic framework.

The Coordinator highlighted that the National terrorism Center, under the leadership and direction of the National Security Advisor, has been at the forefront of coordinating PTB efforts nationwide, ensuring interventions are more strategic and aligned with the national security objectives.

He added that, their commitment is to this mandate is wide-ranging, and we are dedicated to strengthening the institutionalization of preventive and counter-violent activities in Nigeria through effective coordination, multi-modal engagement, and knowledge-driven decision-making.

"As we begin to take a firm step towards reviewing the process of the policy framework, we must ensure that the success stories from various PTB inputted programs and initiatives are well-documented and reliable.

"These experiences serve as invaluable learning points and provide evidence of what works.

Gen Laka stated that since the adoption of office, the  team has actively engaged with stakeholders and partners to understand the evolving landscape of violent extremism and the key challenges facing our nation.

"It has enabled us to reposition the National terrorism Center to deliver effectively, he added

He stated that the document will significantly enhance our collective response to violence in the region.

He urged all stakeholders, government agencies, international partners, donors, civil society organizations, and community actors to actively contribute, share insights, and provide strategic support to ensure the successful provision of the Policy Framework and National Action Plan.

Earlier in remarks, the Director PCVE in the NCTC, Amb. Mairo Musa Abbas, said the primary objective of the meeting was to engage critical stakeholders in the review process of the existing PF-NAP,

She stated that the key focus areas for the PF-NAP review include Assessing the Implementation of the 2017 PF-NAP, Institutionalizing Success Stories, Enhancing Coordination and Stakeholder Engagement, Strengthening Community Ownership and Local Action Plans, Aligning with Regional and International Best Practices, and Developing a Strategic Communications Approach.

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