Voice Celebrates Eight Years of Advocacy and Empowerment in Nigeria

Sonic Media

Voice, a pioneering grant facility aimed at enhancing the rights, participation, and resource access for marginalized groups in Nigeria, held its closeout ceremony this Friday, 17th May. Voice has notably supported Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Indigenous and ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, women facing exploitation, violence and abuse, as well as age-discriminated groups such as youth and the elderly.

The event highlighted Voice efforts to promote transparency, accountability, citizen participation, and responsiveness, focusing on four major areas: disability rights, gender justice, social justice, and elderly rights. 

Suleman Nughul Ike, representing the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Professor Muhammad Ali Pate, praised Voice work and committed to ongoing partnerships to sustain its achievements.

The two-day ceremony featured panel discussions on various topics, emphasizing the importance of unity, listening, human rights, and social justice. The "Nothing About Us Without Us" (NOW-Us) mantra of Voice underscores the principle that every individual has a voice that deserves to be heard and represented in decision-making processes.

Voice Nigeria Coordinator, Akom Ita, shared experiences from women of Umuode Enugu State, where women have become actively involved in decision-making processes, asserting their rights and ensuring their voices are acknowledged. Akom emphasized that the empowerment of PWDs through Voice has enabled significant progress in advocacy and representation.

Anne Mulehi, Voice Global Representative, addressed the enduring connections formed among rightsholders, partners, Oxfam, Hivos, and the Ministry. She acknowledged the ongoing fight against inequality and injustice, urging continuous collaboration and dialogue to advance these causes.

"Since its inception in 2016, and its official program launch in January 2017, Voice has funded over 40 organizations in Nigeria across four grant categories: Innovate and Learn, Sudden Opportunity, Empowerment, and Influencing grants. 

Christy Asala, Executive Director of Cognito, highlighted the integral "linking and learning" component of Voice, which has strengthened capacity and fostered sustainable community building. 

"Cognito has facilitated four thriving communities of practice, hosted multiple link and learn events, provided extensive coaching, and developed a knowledge management platform that documents grantee activities and published impactful resources, including "MURYA," a comprehensive report on Voice impact in Nigeria.

Cedric Owuru, Voice Linking and Learning Amplifier Officer, discussed the collaborative processes and innovative pathways established to drive transformative change for marginalized groups. 

Implemented in ten countries across Southeast Asia and Africa, including Nigeria, Voice-funded projects empower rightsholders to advocate for their own and others' rights, promoting positive action and ensuring an inclusive society under the guiding principle of "Nothing About Us Without Us (NOW-Us)."

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