Defence Chief and Governor Uba Sani Unite to Boost Kaduna's Security with 150 Vehicles and 500 Motorcycles.

Sonic Media

The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa, commissioned 150 vehicles and 500 motorcycles provided by Kaduna State Governor Uba Sani for local security agencies. 

Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, Director of Defence Information, released a report on Tuesday May 28, 2024, highlighting the significant enhancement to the operational capabilities and mobility of security personnel in Kaduna State.

General Musa expressed deep gratitude to Governor Sani for the substantial contribution, emphasizing that it reinforces the strong collaboration between Nigeria's Armed Forces and government at both state and federal levels. He stated, "These vehicles and motorcycles will undoubtedly bolster our operational readiness, enhance our mobility, and further strengthen our capacity to safeguard the security and sovereignty of our beloved country."

General Musa also urged members of the Armed Forces and other security agencies to renew their commitment to defending the nation with honor and integrity. He added, "Let us harness the capabilities of these vehicles to further enhance our operational effectiveness, protect our communities, and uphold the values of loyalty, courage, and unity that define our armed forces."

Additionally, General Musa thanked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his unwavering support of the Armed Forces and security agencies in their constitutional duties.

Governor Uba Sani acknowledged the mobility challenges faced by security personnel, particularly in reaching remote areas swiftly, and assured that the increased visibility of security forces would help residents feel safer.

Governor Sani emphasized that the provision of these vehicles and motorcycles demonstrates continuous support for security forces and acknowledges their sacrifices. He also directed the state Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs to name the conference hall in memory of the late Lieutenant Colonel AH Ali, who lost his life defending the nation in Delta State.

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