Customs Chief Bashir Adeniyi Hosts Nigeria Olympic Committee to Promote Athlete Opportunities

Sonic Media

The Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC), Bashir Adeniyi, welcomed the Nigeria Olympic Committee (NOC) delegation, led by Habu Gumel, to the Customs Headquarters in Abuja.

During the meeting, Gumel highlighted the committee’s efforts to provide opportunities and scholarships for young athletes, allowing them to develop and showcase their talents.

The Custom Boss praised the NOC's vital role in promoting the Olympic spirit both within Nigeria and internationally. He commended the committee's contributions to building a collaborative sports community and fostering support for athletes.

Mr Adeniyi emphasized the importance of sports within the Nigeria Customs Service, noting its role in instilling values like self-discipline and teamwork. "Sports can serve as a powerful tool for promoting discipline and teamwork, essential qualities for success in any organisation, especially in the paramilitary," he stated.

The Comptroller-General also stressed the significance of physical fitness for Customs personnel, highlighting its benefits for performance, resilience, and overall health. 

"Being physically fit enhances performance, resilience, and overall health, which are all crucial for carrying out duties effectively. 

"It is not difficult for service members to identify as members of the sports fraternity in different forms.

NOC President Habu Gumel expressed his gratitude for the support from the Nigeria Customs Service. He applauded the NCS's commitment to collaborating with the international Olympic community to identify and nurture Nigerian talents for global competitions.

Mr Gumel said, "The National Olympic Committee for Nigeria is responsible for coordinating and supporting Nigerian competitors in the Olympic Games. It is also the body responsible for Nigeria's representation at the Commonwealth Games.

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