COWA President Hosts 200 Children for 2024 Children's Day, Highlights Online Safety

Sonic Media

Mrs. Kikelomo Adewale Adeniyi, the National President of the Customs Officers' Wives Association (COWA) and wife of the Comptroller-General of Customs, hosted over 200 children on May 27, 2024, in Abuja to celebrate Children’s Day.

During the event held at COWA’s Corporate Headquarters, Mrs. Adeniyi highlighted the purpose of the celebration as setting a foundational agenda for the children's future. She stated, "As mothers, it is our duty to nurture our children and pray for them to succeed in life."

Mrs. Adeniyi expressed her confidence in the potential of Nigerian children to become exemplary ambassadors of the country. She encouraged them to adhere to the guidance provided by their parents and teachers and to use social media responsibly.

The theme of this year's celebration, "Protecting the Nigerian Child from the Dangers of Online Technology," was addressed by Mrs. Adeniyi. She emphasized, "At COWA, we believe it is our responsibility to educate our children about the dangers of the online world and protect them."

She also called on parents and guardians to closely monitor their children's activities, particularly their use of technological devices at home. Emphasizing the importance of raising children with a sense of responsibility to their families and communities, Mrs. Adeniyi advised, "In my opinion, children aged 8–16 should not be allowed to use social media platforms."

Additionally, Mrs. Adeniyi urged the children to remain obedient and disciplined, noting that "Discipline is the key to achieving greatness in life," and assured them of COWA's continued support.

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