Ambassador Condemns Continued Inhumane Treatment of Palestinians

Sonic Media

Ambassador Abdullah M. Abu Shawesh of the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Nigeria has reiterated his condemnation of the ongoing treatment of Palestinians amid the prolonged conflict. 

Speaking on the 323rd day of what he termed a genocidal war, the ambassador emphasized the enduring resilience of the Palestinian people, stating, "We did not forget, we will not forgive. The Palestinian people will continue to resist the Israeli occupation. There is nothing more moral, legitimate, and just than this."

May 15,  Palestinians worldwide commemorated the 76th anniversary of Al-Nakba, the catastrophic period between 1947 and 1948, during which European Jewish military forces expelled indigenous Palestinians from their homeland. In a press briefing in Abuja on Tuesday, Ambassador Abu Shawesh highlighted the historical context and lasting impact of these events.

"Al-Nakba resulted from a series of over 70 massacres, including the notorious Deir Yassin," Mr. Shawesh stated. "More than 15,000 Palestinians were martyred, and 950,000 were made refugees in neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank, and Gaza. Additionally, 531 Palestinian villages and towns were erased."

In recent developments, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted on May 10 to upgrade the status of the Palestinian state, granting it all but voting rights in UN activities. This decision, passed with 143 votes in favor and 9 against, marks another step towards endorsing a two-state solution.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued an appeal to the Israeli government on May 7, urging them to halt any escalation and engage constructively in diplomatic talks. Similarly, US Secretary of State condemned a recent attack on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) headquarters in East Jerusalem, calling such actions against aid workers and humanitarian assets unacceptable.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also condemned the attack on the UNRWA headquarters by Israeli settlers. Ambassador Abu Shawesh highlighted these international reactions in his briefing.

The ambassador also addressed the global student Intifada, criticizing the double standards applied to student protests in support of Palestine compared to other controversial expressions in Western democratic countries.

Expressing gratitude, Mr. Shawesh acknowledged the support from 143 countries that endorsed the Palestinian motion at the UNGA, with special thanks to Nigeria for its solidarity.

He also mentioned that despite the Palestinian acceptance of an Egyptian-Qatar-US truce proposal, the Israeli military had sealed off Gaza by taking control of the only crossing point between Gaza and Egypt, further isolating the region.

The ambassador's statements underscore the ongoing challenges faced by Palestinians and the international community's role in seeking a resolution to the conflict.

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